Monday, September 3, 2012

Why I'm not that excited

I have been slowly looking into things for the new year.  Looking at teacher's blogs, pinning like crazy on Pinterest and doing some reading, but I'm just not that excited.  I thought about it for awhile and at first I thought it had to do with the fact that I'm not a new teacher anymore.  This is not the reason.  I realized that it's because I really don't know what I'm teaching this year.  I read other blogs and they talked about how many kids they have in their rooms, how they have all their name tags and furniture ready and how excited they from meeting their parents and students already.  I won't find out my assignment until the end of the first week and while I will be interacting with children they won't be mine for the year.  The district line is that having whole grade groups for the first few days and not putting them into classes is better for the students.  There are studies ( I haven't been able to find any, but I'm still looking) that say moving children around after placing them is bad.  We have to wait until we see the "whites of their eyes" to know class size and what our teaching assignments are.  With that being the case, I can't get too specific in planning or organization, so I have some ideas that I might like to try, maybe.

I am going to use some of this limbo time to get my class blog ready for the new year.  I thing a change in theme is in order as well as a few other additions.  I want to start the blogging instruction in September this year, and with my Smartboard that will make little lessons way easier.  At least the in the beginning.  I hope our computer lab is working a little better....  

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