Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Morning Centres

Another new thing I've started this year, is having morning centers instead of morning work.  I'd started this at the end of last year because I wanted to give the kiddos more time to explore with magnets during our unit.  It was a big hit and I was amazed at all the conversations that I was hearing!  So this year I've started right away with it.  I've been using patterning materials, flash cards, games, sight words, Power of Ten cards and fairy tale masks for some drama play.  It was a great way to introduce the first literacy centers that I wanted them to learn and when it was time to start rotations, they already knew what to do!

A couple of drawbacks are that it takes them a little longer to get ready for carpet time and of course it is a little noisier than when they were doing paper pencil tasks.  Also, I need to have a bigger collection of "things" around the classroom as I don't want them to get bored with centers.  I try to have the morning choices be different than the rotation centers so that they don't get bored.  Next week I'm going to put out some building centers and some colouring/drawing options. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Working with the laptops

So in the last post about the laptops, I outlined this great plan that I'd decided on.  Well on the day of, I decided to scrap the plan and just go for it.  I put all the computers out on the desks, assigned kiddos to a computer and we all went through how to turn on the machines, how to go to Classroom Suite and how to access student assignments.

I was so surprised at how smoothly it all went!  They were pretty patient and took turns really nicely and it all went really well.

Today, I pulled out the laptops during math rotations and had it in for two of the

centers, so all the students would get a chance to do the first 2 assignments that I'd put in their file.  Most of them remembered how to turn on the machine and get into their files with very minimal help from me!  I was so excited to see that.  While half the class was using the technology, the other half was working on  an interactive journal page or patterning blocks.  When the students finished with two assignments, they logged off and switched places with their partners.  I had to do very little reminding or helping.

One thing I will have to work on is the timing.  They were finished the assignments way quicker than I'd imagined, so I will have to make sure that the tasks are a little more involved and/or there are extra assignments for them to do. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Flexible Seating So Far

I was surprised at how easily the kiddos have adjusted to the flexible seating options in our classroom.  I've had quite a few comments from parents about how relaxed and friendly it seems and other staff members peek in to ask questions and see how it's going.

So far there has been no fighting over seating options.  I have had a few kids choose the balls ALL the time, but after a reminder that others want to use them too, they have started moving a bit more.  It does make me think that maybe I want to include another grouping of the balls.  I'd also like to get a few beanbag chairs to have available, but right now space is a

bit of an issue.  I do have a bench that I am refinishing at home to include in the mix, but I'm not in a rush right now, as I have enough places for all the kiddos to be.  The bench allows the students to sit on the floor and have a surface and a group to be with.  One of my students from last year has asked where it is.  It is a fine line between having lots of options and too many options.  I also don't like to have a very crowded space and all of these things need take up real estate in the room.
A really popular space is this one.  It is supposed to be for the listening center, but someone is always in the chairs reading or sometimes visiting. 

I store the mats in this blue bucket I found at Walmart, and stack the cushions next to it.  Chairs are stacked at the end of the day at the front of the room, balls go on top in frisbees and the wobble chairs are turned so the flat surface is on the desk.  The kiddos have been much better at clean up lately, which makes my life way easier. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Classroom Suite Inquiry Project

This year I am excited to be a part of an Inquiry project with SET BC using Classroom Suite as part of my math program.   I was involved in a collaboration group with other teachers from my school looking at math and ways to improve number sense across the grades.  This project will enable me to continue with the work I have already started.

Today was our first meeting. We all called in from our different sites and after a few technical difficulties, we got started.  It was nice to be able to connect with everyone again, and hear about how the school start up went for everyone.  It also helped bring my stress level down when I heard that not every one is up and running.
This was my work station in the board room at the district office.
I spent most of the morning remembering how to navigate Classroom Suite and making a list of tasks I want to accomplish with the laptops before I get them into the hands of the kiddos.   As much as I like tech, I'm still a paper and pencil kinda girl, so I was busy scribbling while listening to the chatter and questions.

I think my first step will be to introduce my class to the laptops and get the kiddos comfortable with them.  I'm not expecting this to take very long, as I did an little survey in my room and all of the kids have some level of tech know-how.  I will go into Classroom Suite and use my projector to show them what I'm doing.  I've noticed that there is a little pause in the instructions that they will need to have patience for.

In the back end, I will be creating the groups for the computers and making sure that there is no over-lap, I'd like to have the students working on the computers by themselves if possible, by the end of October.  My first goal is to have them working with the tools for math to start (my inquiry is around math), but have the laptops integrated into other subjects as well.  I have noticed that I have many reluctant writers in my class this year, and I know I could hook them with writing on the computer... still working out what that's going to look like.  I have a number of activities that I have ready to transfer to the other laptops, so that's what I'll be working on this week.

My district tech Principal allowed me to re-purpose a cabinet that was already in my room. This is what it looks like.  The key stays with me, not in a desk or anything and I keep it locked at all times.

I am going to be stacking them 2 high, as you can see.  Once I get all the charging cords in place, I will update the picture.  I'm sure it's going to look like a hot mess!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

We are up and running!

So how does October always sneak up on me?  It feels like I just got my new class yesterday!  My new kiddos are doing really well with routines and settling in nicely.  This year I have a 1 and 2 split with 4 ones and 19 twos. 
Starting with flex seating this year has gone much better than I expected.  The kids are pretty used to all the seating options and move to different spots throughout the day.  I do have a few kids that choose the ball seating, but don't do well with it.  I have been over the expectations for that area, but they are just not ready for it.  Just yesterday, I turned around to see one of the students doing a superman move on a ball instead of getting his journal written!  He'll have to wait a while for another chance.

Just as I put the finishing touches on my Autumn art board in the hall, it snowed.  It no longer looks like Autumn around here.

The kiddos have been having a blast in the snow though.  We don't often get snow that's wet enough to pack, so there are tons of snow men and snow forts all over the school yard.  You can hear the swish of snow pants as they rush down the hall during  break times.

Our school is in the middle of a renovation on our air system and it's put a few kinks into my plans.  I was all set to get my students into the computer lab as soon as our class list was finalized, but they took it apart!  So my kiddos are not as ready as I'd wanted for the new tech that is coming into our class.  So plan B....