Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December; The Most Crazy Time of the Year

As we make our way into December, I am realizing how quickly this year is going by. 
We are starting a unit on Animals this week, and I have to admit that I am finding it hard to narrow the focus.  I find all of it interesting and feel badly cutting it down to one area, for example habitats.  I also want to incorporate Big Buddies into the process, using their knowledge of research and computers skills to help with the study.  I am right now leaning towards having a joint project of research with buddies, and have some activities tied into Literacy Centres.  We may even end up making habitats, as growing things right now is a little difficult in the frozen North.  The ideas are still percolating, but I'd take any suggestions right now too!
This December, I have decided on a few little big projects that we will do as a class.  We are going to do a food drive, document our days for December and also take part in a community challenge!  This will be in addition to all the crafty projects and practicing for Christmas concert that we also have planned!  Hmmm.  After seeing all that in print, my heart started to race a little.  We'll see....#

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Catchup Post

I can not believe it's been a month since I last posted here!  Things have been busy for sure. 
I have been busy trying to clean out cupboards and reorganize math centres.  Of course I ended up sick for about 5 weeks as well, so it was a struggle just to get through the day.  This blog has definitely been neglected.  I am currently watching for the plastic shoeboxes to go on sale, as I have figured out that I can stack two high in the Math area.  I just need more containers to get everything into.
To keep some of my more messy kids organized, I have adopted a Desk Fairy this year.  I found the printable on TPT and then bought some reward cards and printed those out too.  The kids love it!  They look every morning to see if the Desk Fairy visited the night before.  She doesn't always come, but when she does, she leaves her card.  The rewards vary from free time, to using a clip board, trading desks with a friend, etc.  I try not to give candy ( I have some kids that don't react well to sugar), and my kids got a little too expectant with the prize jar.  Every time they did something, they expected a prize for it.  I'm trying these non-physical things to see how they work out.  So far, so good.

I have been really happy with the products that I've been getting from TPT .  I have bought a few centres packs and some other items and love it.  Now I don't have to buy an expensive book for one or two things that I like, but I can download and print particular things instead.  Love, love, love.