Tuesday, October 4, 2016

We are up and running!

So how does October always sneak up on me?  It feels like I just got my new class yesterday!  My new kiddos are doing really well with routines and settling in nicely.  This year I have a 1 and 2 split with 4 ones and 19 twos. 
Starting with flex seating this year has gone much better than I expected.  The kids are pretty used to all the seating options and move to different spots throughout the day.  I do have a few kids that choose the ball seating, but don't do well with it.  I have been over the expectations for that area, but they are just not ready for it.  Just yesterday, I turned around to see one of the students doing a superman move on a ball instead of getting his journal written!  He'll have to wait a while for another chance.

Just as I put the finishing touches on my Autumn art board in the hall, it snowed.  It no longer looks like Autumn around here.

The kiddos have been having a blast in the snow though.  We don't often get snow that's wet enough to pack, so there are tons of snow men and snow forts all over the school yard.  You can hear the swish of snow pants as they rush down the hall during  break times.

Our school is in the middle of a renovation on our air system and it's put a few kinks into my plans.  I was all set to get my students into the computer lab as soon as our class list was finalized, but they took it apart!  So my kiddos are not as ready as I'd wanted for the new tech that is coming into our class.  So plan B....

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