Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting to it

While my husband was at an in service today, I spent the day roaming around the web, tidying things up in my digital life and making some decisions.

I found many interesting blogs with some great ideas not only for my own class blog, but also some tips and ideas for my classroom.  I managed to bookmarks some items to go back to, one of them called Storybird.  It might be an interesting tool for writing.  We'll see. 
I also read some of the things I had put into Pocket (formerly Read It Later).  It seems that I have been a bit of a pack rat with articles and such.  I didn't get through all of them, but made a good start.
The decisions came as I was ingesting all of this wonderful stuff all over the web.  I need to decide what I want to work on, and not get all tied up in knots about what is out there.  I think what I will do is separate things into topics and set a goal for each one.  When I feel the goal is met, move onto another goal.  I think this will keep me organized and focused on what I want to accomplish this year.  I start out, as many do, full of vim and vigor, but somewhere, I fizzle and start to lose track of all the great things I want to do.  The topics and goals I have chosen for now are as follows:

Tech: class blog, make it more appealing and add some more info onto it for visitors

Writing: start The Trait Crate ASAP

Math: look more into Jump Math and see how it is going to fit into my classroom

Organization: take a good look in my cupboards and decide what really needs to stay.

I am also going to build my PLN.  This will be an ongoing project for the year.

We'll see how all this goes....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A new year, a new blog

This school year, I thought I'd try something a little different and start a blog devoted to just what is going on in my classroom.  I have been inspired by recent lurking I have done on the web and thought it would be a great way to separate my teaching "stuff" from my personal "stuff".  We'll see how it goes.